Notice of Annual General Meeting

The notice convening the AGM is sent no earlier than six and no later than four weeks before the AGM. The notice contains information about registering intention to attend and entitlement to participate in and vote at the meeting, a numbered agenda of the items to be addressed, information on the proposed dividend, the main content of other proposals and information regarding the procedures for the AGM.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee for the Annual General Meeting consists of the Chairman of the Board, Fredrik Lundberg, as well as Bo Selling from L E Lundbergföretagen, Lars Ericson from Kempestiftelserna, and Vegard Torsnes from Norges Bank.

Bo Selling serves as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.

AGM and Providing Suggestions to the Nominating Committee

Shareholders who wish to have a matter addressed at the Annual General Meeting or submit proposals to the Nominating Committee should do so in a timely manner to ensure the matter can be included in the meeting notice.

Requests regarding matters for the Annual General Meeting and proposals to the Nominating Committee should be sent to Holmen AB, Group Legal Affairs, P.O. Box 5407, 114 84 Stockholm, or alternatively to The request should be received no later than January 10, 2025, to ensure inclusion in the meeting notice.

AGM documents

Invitation to AGM

Register for attendance at Holmen's AGM 2025 here

Power of Attorney 2025

The Nomination Committee's proposals and more for the 2025 AGM