– This year’s results show that Holmen is providing genuine climate benefits and that we have managed to tell our story well. All this is incredibly important, because those of us who work in the forest industry know that the climate benefits of our products and our sustainable forestry have a vital role to play in achieving the world’s climate goals, says Elin Swedlund, Sustainability Manager at Holmen.
Holmen’s business provides substantial climate benefits and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as clearly illustrated in independent sustainability index CDP’s presentation of the company’s transparency, understanding and management of climate issues. Each year, the organisation analyses data from over 9 000 companies around the world. They are then assigned a score from A–D based on the reported responses.
CDP has now presented the results for 2020 – and Holmen scores highly in two categories:
- Climate Change A-
- Forests A-
– A strong contributing factor to the good result for Climate Change is that over the past 15 years we have reduced the use of fossil fuels by about 90 percent in our facilities. We have succeeded in this by investing in energy production with renewable fuels, says Lars Strömberg, Environmental manager, Holmen.
The company puts a great deal of work into its reporting to CDP. With such an enormous data gathering operation, CDP is one of the world’s most respected sustainability indices, used by fund managers, investors and even customers to judge a company’s climate work.
– Holmen’s high scores demonstrate that we have become even better at publicising our climate-positive business and that we compare very favourably with the global competition, says Elin Swedlund.
CDP is an independent sustainability index that analyses climate data from over 9 000 companies each year.
The companies that report their sustainability work to CDP are assessed on disclosure, awareness and management of climate risks and opportunities.
CDP’s sustainability index is one of the world’s best known and most important information sources for fund managers and investors.