- The Groups net turnover for January-September amounted to MSEK 12,084 (January-September 2004: 11,611).
- The profit after tax amounted to MSEK 859 (1,026).
- Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 10.1 (12.2). Return on equity was 7.4 % (8.4).
- The operating profit amounted to MSEK 1,403 (1,600). The decline is mainly due to significant cost increases for energy and other input goods, and unfavourable currency effects. Higher prices for newsprint and magazine paper have at the same time had a positive effect on the result.
- In relation to the second quarter, the profit for the third quarter rose by MSEK 141 to MSEK 590, mainly owing to seasonally lower costs.
- The market situation for newsprint inEurope remained good during the third quarter. Holmen Papers deliveries rose by 3 % in relation to January-September 2004. Prices were stable following the increases made at the beginning of the year.
- The market situation for virgin fibre-based paperboard in Europe was good during the third quarter. Iggesund Paperboards deliveries were 3 % lower than in January-September 2004, owing to lower production. Iggesund Paperboard has announced some price increases.