Quarter Full Year
MSEK 4-10 3-10 4-09 2010 2009
Net turnover 4 747 4 205 4 659 17 581 18 071
Operating profit 625 383 392 1 596 1 620
Operating profit excl. items
affecting comp. *) 361 383 392 1 332 1 620
Profit after tax 176 216 225 704 1 006
Earnings per share, SEK 2.1 2.6 2.7 8.4 12.0
Return on equity, % 4.2 5.2 5.5 4.2 6.4
*) The results for the fourth quarter of 2010 include items affecting comparability in the amount of SEK +264 million, arising from revaluation of forest (SEK +1 050), as well as an impairment loss and provisions (totalling SEK -786 million) within Holmen Paper.
- Profit after tax for 2010 was SEK 704 million (2009: SEK 1 006 million).
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 8.4 (12.0). The return on equity was 4.2 per cent (6.4).
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 7 (7) per share.
- Operating profit amounted to SEK 1 596 million (1 620). The result includes SEK 264 million in items affecting comparability from a revaluation of forest (SEK +1 050 million), as well as an impairment loss and provisions within Holmen Paper (SEK -786 million).
Operating profit, excluding items affecting comparability, totalled SEK 1 332 million (1 620). Holmen Paper's profit declined considerably as a result of lower newsprint prices and higher fibre costs. Profitability in other parts of the Group improved. Compared to the third quarter, operating profit excluding items affecting comparability decreased by SEK 22 million to SEK 361 million.
- Demand for newsprint in the quarter was somewhat higher than in 2009. Current price negotiations are expected to lead to substantial price increases during 2011. The virgin fibre board market was robust and deliveries to Europe increased by 8 per cent during the year.
- Decision has been made to close the smaller paper machine in Madrid.
For further information please contact:
Magnus Hall, President and CEO, tel. +46 8 666 21 05
Anders Jernhall, CFO, tel. +46 8 666 21 22
Ingela Carlsson, Public Relations Director, tel. +46 70 212 97 12