Facts about GHG and carbon dioxide reporting
In the FisherSolve database, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reported as “mass of carbon dioxide equivalents”, CO2e. Common units are kg or metric tonnes.
Which greenhouse gases are included in the CO2e?
CO2e emissions include emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which are those that can be related to pulp and paper production. A transformation factor is used for methane and nitrous oxide based on their climate change potential compared to carbon dioxide.
Why are methane and nitrous oxide counted?
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are greenhouse gases generated during combustion of fossil and biomass fuels. The climate change potential of methane is 21 times that of carbon dioxide and for nitrous oxide, 310 times that of carbon dioxide. That’s why their emissions are counted with a transformation factor and added to the carbon dioxide emissions for the mill.
How are fossil and biogenic carbon emissions calculated?
Most fossil and biomass fuels cause CO2 emissions but not all CO2 emissions are considered GHG emissions. Biomass absorbs CO2 from atmosphere while growing and releases it when it decomposes or burns. Bioenergy carbon sources therefore count as carbon neutral in a circular system, and the emissions are called biogenic CO2 in line with the IPCC recommendations because they don’t add carbon to the natural cycle.
Fossil fuel combustion on the other hand, increases the total carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, and the emissions are called fossil CO2. The fossil CO2 has been captured in the ground for thousands of years, and when released, it adds carbon that cannot be recaptured within the foreseeable future.
Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) is released during combustion of both fossil and biomass fuels and counts as GHG emissions. This explains why the FisherSolve database reports CO2e emissions also from mills that only use biomass fuels in their production.
What is the scope of the GHG emission benchmark?
- Fuel combustion during the pulp & paper manufacturing process (Scope 1 emissions).
- GHG emissions associated with purchased electricity (Scope 2 emissions).
- GHG Emissions associated with production and transportation of raw materials purchased (Scope 3 upstream emissions).
- Transportation of products to customer destination (Scope 3 downstream emissions)
In the database, detailed data from all the above scopes are calculated, so that comparisons can be made at all levels. Learn more about how to calculate emissions in scopes in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
What does a calculation “cradle to gate” mean?
When mill emissions are reported “cradle to gate”, they include emissions generated from the raw material all the way until the paper leaves the mill, which is Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 upstream emissions, in accordance with GHG Protocol reporting. As Scope 3 downstream varies greatly with distance and the chosen mode of transport, as well as with the end use of the products, we recommend calculating those parts case by case.