Specific properties are needed for specific purposes. We offer a wide range of wood and timber products for construction, joinery and construction systems.
Wood is a fantastic material. It is strong, versatile, light and the only construction material that is 100% renewable.
Building with wood offers lots of advantages. Wood is the only construction material that is totally renewable, organic and climate-smart. Growing trees bind carbon dioxide, which is then stored in the wood products we produce. This means that using wood in construction is much better for the climate than using concrete and steel, as manufacturing those two materials consumes large amounts of energy and leads to high emissions of fossil carbon dioxide.
An additional advantage of choosing wood is that the whole chain from manufacture to transport is much more energy-efficient and cost-effective, as wood weighs less than concrete and steel.
One of the main objectives of Holmen’s forest management is for as many of the seedlings planted as possible to become magnificent trees that stand tall and proud and that can be harvested 80 to 90 years later, primarily to become building material for future eco-friendly housing.
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Specific properties are needed for specific purposes. We offer a wide range of wood and timber products for construction, joinery and construction systems.