Holmen has been a member of the UN Global Compact and its corresponding Nordic network since 2007. We consider it natural to support its ten principles on human rights, social responsibility, environmental responsibility, and anti-corruption.
Holmen's business strategy is developed by the executive management to create long-term value for both shareholders and customers while contributing to a better climate and a vibrant rural community. The strategy is annually approved by the board of directors and forms the basis for the expectations set. Based on these expectations, each unit sets goals and identifies success factors to achieve them. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are linked to these success factors to measure and demonstrate progress.
The strategy also forms the foundation for the budget, where decisions on resource allocation are made and targets for the coming year are set. Through a straightforward goal management tool for continuous monitoring, it is ensured that the entire operation makes correct priorities to achieve the set goals.
Sustainability reporting is integrated with financial reporting. Major investment decisions consider financial, social, and environmental impacts.
Holmen works to be a positive force in society and focuses on five areas where our production, business and organisation have the greatest potential to make a difference: the climate, biodiversity, local environments, our employees and neighboring communities.
We want to create a sustainable future. Through our activities, we actively contribute to several of the UN's global goals. By running a carbon-positive business, offering climate-smart products and conducting long-term environmental work, we make significant efforts for the climate.
Holmen's purchasing function contributes to long-term profitability through sustainable supply and risk management in the supply chain. We ensure environmental and social requirements through approval processes and close collaboration with suppliers, while continuously educating buyers.
We have control over the largest supplier categories, wood and electricity, and use traceability mechanisms to ensure sustainable production. Other important areas include transport and production materials, where we require suppliers to consider environmental and energy aspects and use only contracted subcontractors.
Our procurement process in forestry ensures that contractors have fair terms. Holmen has been working on a code of conduct for suppliers for many years.
Holmen's Code of Conduct and Business Ethics Policy provide clear guidance on good business ethics, human rights, working conditions and the environment. Managers and employees are trained regularly, and compliance is followed up through employee surveys, interviews, salary surveys, safety statistics and work environment audits. Any violations are reported to the Board of Directors and handled in accordance with internal procedures.
A good reputation as a responsible and trustworthy company is fundamental to our operations. Holmen's Code of Conduct follows the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organization's (ILO) eight core conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and provides guidance in its daily work.
All employees are trained in the Code, and for white-collar employees the training is mandatory every three years. In 2024, no deviations from the Code have been noted.
In 2024, we updated our materiality assessment. By analyzing our own operations and mapping the impact of our value chain, we have identified five areas where our impact is considered material.
In 2024, Holmen updated its analysis with a double materiality assessment in accordance with the ESRS requirements.
The Group's business and operational risks, including climate-related risks, are managed by each business area, which makes decisions about production, sales and employees in order to achieve sustainable returns.
Purchasing and IT are coordinated by Group-wide functions to exploit economies of scale and comply with Group policies.
Financing and financial risks are managed by Group Finance and Finance in accordance with a Board-approved financial policy with a low risk level, which aims to minimize the cost of capital and effectively control financial risks.