More and more high-end brands choose to be seen on Holmen TRND. The paper is quite different from the ones special interest magazines are usually printed on. And where the world’s most luxurious brands commonly have been associated with glossy surfaces, it now seems the tide has turned. The different look and the rough feeling of Holmen TRND is popular with publishers, being used for several catalogues and magazines showcasing the biggest luxury and fashion brands.

A sought-for sustainable feeling

The demand for climate friendly product is huge, and environmental issues more important than ever. Here we can truly say that Holmen leads the way, with our long-term sustainability focus. The thorough and well-documented work with certifications, traceability and sustainable solutions is appreciated in the paper business, and quite a few international magazines have recently decided on some of the Holmen fresh fibre-based products.

Other magazines joining this trend is German Slanted and well renown National Geographic. It’s apparent that many appreciate the unique feeling our paper conveys. And it being a sustainable choice with great print results, amazing imagery and having the cost advantages of a high bulk paper naturally adds to its popularity.

Appreciated paper with great timing

The high-end magazines of today address a creative, innovative and slightly younger audience who is often appealed by natural products and paper choices. In other words, a suitable target group for Holmen's climate smart products, which El Palacio de Hierro realized. The fashion guide is considered one of the most prestigious magazines in Mexico. A veritable dream for all fashionistas, filled with beautiful and inspiring pictures and stories from all the major fashion brands. The reader experience is top priority.

El libro Amarillo is issued twice a year and is printed on Holmen TRND 2.0 in 80 gsm. The result is an outstanding magazine which has opened up the market for fresh fibre-based paper. Not only for other magazine titles and among publishers, but also among advertisers who now push for the environmentally friendly paper.

Sustainability is an absolute, today and tomorrow. With the extensive paper range that Holmen offers, you will get an optimal product without having to compromise – sustainable and visual.