In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted 17 global goals for sustainable development. Under the Agenda, all 193 member states have now committed to striving for a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable world by 2030. The Agenda contains 17 goals covering everything from combating poverty and improving education to gender equality and sustainable consumption. Many companies and organisations have chosen to link their sustainability goals to the global goals.
Here are some recommendations if you want more detailed information about how sustainability is core to us:
Which paper is actually best from a climate perspective? This was a question Penguin Random House asked. Holmen BOOK had the lowest carbon footprint of all the papers in the study.
Read about the resultsHolmen's paper mills were awarded EcoVadis Platinum medal 2023, for the seventh consecutive year.
Read about EcoVadisThe Paper Profile is an environmental product declaration that makes it easy to compare paper from different manufacturers.
Paper profilesMed naturen som utgångspunkt i allt vi gör är klimatfrågor mycket nära integrerade med vår verksamhet. Det gäller både vår förmåga att bidra till en positiv utveckling samt hur vår verksamhet kan komma att påverkas av ett förändrat klimat.
Mer om klimat