Just the energy use from the ICT industry stands for more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is as much emissions as from all air traffic in the world.
When it comes to sustainability, it is important to separate the facts from the myths. A wide-spread message is that you can "go green" by only using digital media, but the electronic media – naturally – also has environmental impacts.
“Go paperless”, “go green” or “save trees” are common messages that many organisations use to promote a switch from communication on paper to to electronic transactions and communications. The organisation TwoSides monitors this type of messages in order to debunk the myths.
"These sort of messages give the impression that electronic communication is more environmentally friendly than paper-based communication", writes TwoSides.
So, what's the truth? As a result from the engagement by Two Sides, over 1000 of the world’s largest organisations have removed misleading statements that say moving to digital communications is better for the environment.
Reports show that the environmental impact of digital technology is often underestimated. The environmental footprint of digital technology is large, and it hasn't stopped growing. Follow along to read about some of the latest findings.
The information and communication technology, ICT industry sector, is "the manufacturing and services industries whose products primarily fulfil or enable the function of information processing and communication by electronic means”, defined by OECD. According to the European commission in 2020 the ICT industry accounts for 5-9% of the world's electricity use. The energy use alone stands for more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is as much emissions as all air traffic in the world.
"The growth of the ICT sector in recent years has been unprecedented and is projected to keep that steady pace," writes the mobile network operators' organisation GSMA Europe, which also states that there are growing concerns about the industry’s environmental footprint.
Reducing the ICT sector carbon emissions also goes beyond meeting the energy efficiency goals. It includes "more complex challenges, such as finding ways to ensure sustainable supply chains", according to GSMA.
Just the energy use from the ICT industry stands for more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is as much emissions as from all air traffic in the world.
TwoSides calls out greenwashing. Over 750 of the world’s largest organisations have removed misleading statements that said digital communications was better for the environment. In our increasingly digital world electronic and paper-based communications coexist and are often complementary. Help set the facts straight.
Here are some recommendations for further reading about how sustainability is core to us:
The Paper Profile is an environmental product declaration that makes it easy to compare paper from different manufacturers.
Paper profilesThanks to a blend of forestry law and ambitious forest owners in Sweden, the standing volume of wood in Sweden has more than doubled over the past 75 years.
Forest and climate