Holmen AB's shareholders resolved at Wednesday's Annual General Meeting
in favour of paying a dividend of SEK 10 per share.
The members of the Board were re-elected: Fredrik Lundberg, Carl Kempe,
Hans Larsson, Arne Mårtensson, Bengt Pettersson, Per Welin and Christer
Zetterberg. Holmen's President and CEO, Göran Lundin, was elected new
member of the Board.
At the statutory meeting of the Board, Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected
Chairman and Carl Kempe deputy Chairman.
The Meeting decided to authorise the Board to make a decision during the
period until the next Annual General Meeting to buy the company's shares
on the Stockholmsbörsen. The company's holding of its own shares must
not exceed ten per cent of the total number of shares in the company.
The Board was also authorised to make a decision to use shares bought
back as payment for acquisition of companies or operations or to finance
such an acquisition, when sale may be done on the Stockholmsbörsen.
President and CEO Göran Lundin's address to the AGM is available at
Holmen's website www.holmen.com