Håkan Lindh, the current CEO of Holmen Timber, has decided to leave the company and will be succeeded on 1 February by Johan Padel.
“Under Håkan Lindh’s leadership, Holmen Timber has undergone a very expansive period through the investment in the new sawmill at Braviken, while the market for sawn timber has been tough,” says Magnus Hall, President and CEO of Holmen. “It’s been a difficult job in a difficult market, and Håkan deserves our greatest thanks. We wish him every success in his future assignments.”
“In recent years in particular, with the construction of the new sawmill at Braviken, the work has been exciting and educational but also laborious,” says Håkan Lindh. “It now feels like a natural point in time to move on and take on new challenges.”
Johan Padel is 47 and his current position is at Siljan Wood Products AB, where he is CEO. Prior to this he was President and CEO of Setra Group, Divisional Manager of Moelven Timber, CEO of IKEA’s subsidiary Swedwood Latvia Ltd, and CEO of AssiDomän Hasselfors Trä AB. He also has several years’ experience from the marketing side of the sawn timber industry.
“With its two modern, large-scale and cost-efficient units, Holmen Timber has great potential for further growth,” says Magnus Hall. “Johan Padel has the skills and experience necessary to lead this growth in a positive direction.”
The CEO of Holmen Timber is part of Group management and reports to the CEO of the Holmen Group.
Press photo: see attachment.
Contact information:
Ingegerd Engquist, Director of Human Resources Holmen, phone +46 (0)70 221 98 40
Johan Padel, phone +46 (0)70 214 82 44
This is information that Holmen AB is obliged to disclose under the Swedish Securities Market Act and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act.
The information was submitted for publication on 9 January at 12.00.