- Profit after financial items amounted to MSEK 4,317 (corresponding period 1999: 1,778). The third quarter profit amounted to MSEK 2,508 (second quarter: 986), including capital gains of MSEK 1,848 on the sale of shares in Modo Paper AB.
- Profit after tax for the period amounted to MSEK 3,656 (1,205), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 41.20 (13.60). The return on equity was 29.9 per cent (9.5).
- Net turnover amounted to MSEK 11,107 (10,772 excluding divested activities).
- During the third quarter, the company bought back Series "B" shares corresponding to 9.8 per cent of the total number of shares.
- Demand for newsprint and magazine paper remained very firm. Holmen Paper had a high level of deliveries, full capacity utilisation and the order situation was strong. Prices were stable in relation to the previous quarter.
- Demand for paperboard declined from a high level. Price increases of 6-8 per cent have been announced and are expected to have effect towards the end of the year. Iggesund Paperboard's deliveries increased but production of folding boxboard is still below the increased capacity.