- The profit after financial items amounted to MSEK 705 (2001 Q1: 699). The first quarter of this year includes a profit of MSEK 110 on the sale of the paper machine that has been replaced at the Hallsta Paper Mill. The profit for the fourth quarter of 2001 was MSEK 748 (excluding items affecting comparability).
- Net turnover amounted to MSEK 3,938 (4,116). Net turnover for the fourth quarter was MSEK 4,343.
- The operating profit amounted to MSEK 743 compared with MSEK 703 for the first quarter of 2001.
- The profit after tax was MSEK 499 (490), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 6.20 (6.10). The return on equity was 14.4 per cent (13.4).
- The market for newsprint and magazine paper remained weak. The prices of Holmen Paper's products were lower than in the fourth quarter of 2001. Production was restricted due to replacement of the paper machine at the Hallsta Paper Mill and lower demand.
- The market for paperboard remained weak and Iggesund Paperboard's production was restricted. Prices were stable.