- The Group's net turnover amounted to MSEK 15,816 (2002: 16,081).
- The profit after tax was MSEK 1,451 (1,959).
- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 18.14 (24.50). The return on equity
- The operating profit amounted to MSEK 2,338 (2,713). Holmen Paper's
- Compared with the third quarter, the result declined by MSEK 80 to MSEK
- The Board proposes payment of an ordinary dividend of SEK 10 (11) per
- The market situation for newsprint and magazine paper remained weak.
- The market situation for paperboard remained stable during the fourth
- The Board of Directors has decided to go ahead with the previously
- Göran Lundin steps down as President and CEO on 31 March 2004, and will