- The Groups net turnover for January-March amounted to MSEK 3,801 (January-March 2004: 3,903).
- The profit after tax amounted to MSEK 217 (376).
- Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 2.56 (4.52). Return on equity was 5.5 % (8.6).
- The operating profit was MSEK 364 (572). The decline was due to significant cost increases for raw material and to lower deliveries. The price of newsprint and magazine paper was higher, but the effect on the result was limited by negative currency effects. In relation to the fourth quarter of 2004 the result increased by MSEK 12 to MSEK 364.
- Demand for newsprint and magazine paper was largely unchanged in relation to the first quarter of 2004. Holmen Papers deliveries were 1 % lower than for the corresponding period last year, and 15 % lower than in the fourth quarter. The price was raised during the quarter.
- Demand for virgin fibre-based paperboard in Europe was slightly lower than during the first quarter of 2004. Iggesund Paperboards deliveries declined by 8 % in relation to the corresponding period last year, and were 2 % lower than during the fourth quarter. Modest price increases have been made.
- With effect from this interim report, Holmen applies IFRS to its consolidated financial statements.