Carbon footprint is defined as the total emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. The Carbon Footprint declarations for our graphical paper products are made by the external consultancy firm AFRY in accordance with the CEPI framework of ten toes.

  • Toe 1: Biomass carbon sequestration in forests
  • Toe 2: Biomass carbon in forest products
  • Toe 3: Biomass Greenhouse gas emissions from forest products manufacturing facilities
  • Toe 4: Greenhouse gas emissions associated with producing fibre
  • Toe 5: Greenhouse gas emissions associated with producing other raw materials and fuels
  • Toe 6: Greenhouse gas emissions associated with purchased and sold electricity, steam, heat and hot and cold water
  • Toe 7: Transport-related greenhouse gas emissions
  • Toe 8: Emissions associated with product use (for example printing)
  • Toe 9: Emissions associated with product end-of-life
  • Toe 10: Avoided Emissions

Download the carbon footprint calculations for our different products here below, or learn what's behind the figures at How to read the carbon footprints. For information about the common framework, please visit